Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Eighteen - Sick

The weather is fickle these days and unluckily, I get a cold.
I feel dizzy, groggy, listless, and sore all over.
I go out without warm clothes and sometimes even with wet hair.
I'm woken up by my alarm clock at 7:30 every morning and walk into living room only with my pajamas to turn the clock off.
Maybe this is the best thing I've been through with these days.
All the strategies to wake me up are working.
I mean milk at night, alarm in the living room, lavender sachet near pillow and Echo outside my room.
At least I've managed to get up every morning.
Early bird plan is on the way.

Back to my cold.
I kept blaming the bad weather until one of my friends who studies in Medicine told me it had nothing to do with the weather.
She said colds and pneumonia are caused by infection.
You do not pick up infections from cold weather, you get germs from other people. And the most common way to get a cold is from someone who has a cold, sneezes on his hands, and then shakes yours. You can also get a cold when a person blows his nose or coughs into a handkerchief and gets some of the germs on his hands, then touches a door knob, and hours later, you touch the door knob and put your fingers in your nose. So the only way that you can get a cold is for someone to give the germ to you directly or by putting the germ onto something else that you touch.

This has challenged my knowledge again!
So far, I've learnt a lot that I didn't know before.
The bin VS recycling bag, the Jewish Friday, and this time the cold.
I've realized that everything happens for a reason. But the reason may not be what it is likely to be.
It's always better to have a careful and thorough research for the question before giving out an answer.
Right now, conscious living to me means trying to see each hour in the day for what it is instead of waking up, going to school, spending 7 hours, coming home, eating dinner and going to bed.
I believe I can experience an incredible learning process if I keep doing so.

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